Read more about the article Youth Empower Platform: Supporting Today, Leading Tomorrow
تمكين, تغيير اجتماعي, تعاون, مستقبل, تنوع, فرص, ابتكار, تعليم, مجتمع, روح الفريق

Youth Empower Platform: Supporting Today, Leading Tomorrow

In a fast-paced and ever-changing world, supporting and empowering the youth is indispensable for building a sustainable future. On the occasion of International Youth Day, we announce the launch of…

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Brussels conference and youth empower platform

The Eighth Brussels Conference and the Role of the Youth Empower Platform: Discussing Challenges in the Syrian Reality What is the Brussels Conference? The eighth edition of the Brussels Conference,…

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Read more about the article Survey Empowering Youth – Identification – Challenges – Goals
What does empowerment mean? What are the challenges? How do we achieve the goals?

Survey Empowering Youth – Identification – Challenges – Goals

Our goal through this Survey Empowering Youth - Identification - Challenges - Goals is to collect the opinions and experiences of young people to better understand the challenges they face…

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Read more about the article Youth Study: Insights and Directions
"Study on Defining and Empowering Youth: A First of Its Kind Initiative by the Platform"

Youth Study: Insights and Directions

In our present time, the issue of youth and their empowerment is one of the main priorities in contemporary societies. The youth demographic plays a crucial role in shaping the…

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Read more about the article Defining Youth: A Survey to Explore Youth Opinions and Attitudes
Exploring the Perspectives and Orientations of Youth

Defining Youth: A Survey to Explore Youth Opinions and Attitudes

This survey, 'Defining Youth,' aims to explore and understand how youth is defined in various social, cultural, and age-related aspects. Through the posed questions, we seek to gather a wide…

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